Participating NSLVE Campuses

NSLVE is excited to have more than 900 campuses participating in the NSLVE study.

For all participating campuses: If you have not done so already, you must reauthorize participation to receive data for the 2024 election. You can access the 2023-2033 reauthorization form here. Every campus needs to have completed this reauthorization process to remain in NSLVE beyond August 2023. If you are a staff or faculty member at a participating institution interested in receiving a copy of your campus report, try contacting the president’s or institutional researcher’s office to obtain a copy of your report.

If your campus is not on the list: Join NSLVE or e-mail us at for information on how to participate. If you're not sure, please reach out too!

If you have questions about the reauthorization process, please read our NSLVE Reauthorization FAQ.

The interactive NSLVE campus search feature below is best viewed on your desktop, but if you are on a mobile device, you can search for your campus at this link.